Lauren Huffmaster

Special guest

It was a bittersweet experience to be diagnosed with stage four breast cancer at the age of 37 for Lauren. The thought of her young children, and what that label would mean to them, overwhelmed her. At the same time, she felt empowered, in a way she says, she had waited to be empowered her entire life. She knew she had a cause to fight for. She knew there were hurting people, people who did not have the tools to escape the pain of their diagnosis, and because of her diagnosis, she fully understood what was needed to serve, support and encourage them.

As a young mother with metastatic cancer, she understood the emotional burden that cancer brings into the life of a patient and his/her immediate family. Spouses carry a burden equal to that of the patient, while children analyze every stressful moment filled with fear. Cancer doesn’t just weaken a body, it takes a significant emotional toll on family members and Lauren wanted to help.

In 2017, Lauren founded Adventure Therapy Foundation, a nonprofit that exists to give families impacted by cancer the opportunity to find healing through cancer coaching and emotional release in the outdoor retreats. Since then the nonprofit has helped hundreds of families deal with the emotional side effects of cancer and make memories.

“Cancer, for me, is not a valley darkened by the shadow of mountain-top experiences. Cancer is the calling of my life. It is through my brokenness that I hope to demonstrate love. I founded Adventure Therapy that I may have an outlet to serve others impacted by cancer. I know the pain cancer causes. My own experience motivates me to seek out solutions that may minimize the burden of cancer from the lives of others.” -Lauren

Biography from Lauren's website:
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Lauren Huffmaster has been a guest on 6 episodes.